Health & Safety Policy
The society endeavours to monitor the activities of the society to provide a safe angling and working environment for its members.
It is also down to the members to undertake some responsibility for their own protection.
The policy will be reviewed annually.
Records of checks will be recorded for reference.
KLAS operates a child welfare and protection policy.
KLAS will work with the community and through angling encourage environmental and ecological awareness.
Liability Insurance
Copy of the current insurance will be displayed on the society’s official notice board/s. In the event of a claim insurers require the society to advise them immediately following an incident giving full details. The claimant must also report the incident to the club Hon. Secretary or elected officer without delay also giving full details.
Alex Hyndman also President, Water Management and Head of Club House.
Denise Royal also Vice President, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
Elected Officers
President. Alexander Hyndman.
Vice President. Denise Royal.
Chairman. Darren Warburton.
Secretary. Lee Millman.
Match Secretary. John Beeton.
Press Officer & IT. Gary Every.
Elected Committee
Paul Shavelar. Head of Water Management.
Adrian Rapp. Water Management, General.
Lee Rogers. Water Management, Main Lake. (2023)
Ben Best. Match Organizer. (2024)
Mick Smith. Stock Pond (2024)
Luke Warburton. Maintenance, General. (2024)
Matthew Warburton. Maintenance, General. (2024)
Guest tickets available from.
Denise Royal & Alex Hyndman at the lake
The Tackle Shack. Queens Square, Adeyfield.
Useful links
Society website; www.kingslangleyanglingsociety.co.uk or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Kings-Langley-Angling-Society-KLAS
Affiliated to and members of the Angling Trust and Fish Legal, Canal and River Trust, Colne Valley Fisheries Consultative (formerly CVAC).
1. Name of society shall be “Kings Langley Angling Society” thereafter referred to as KLAS or The Society.
1a. Committee to consist of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Minimum number of committee members shall be 8 (eight). Minimum of 4 (four) officers and 4 (four) committee members shall be present to form a quorum.
1b. Business of the society will be conducted by the elected committee at the AGM.
1c. Committee are empowered to co-opt a member/person who is known to have specialist knowledge of an issue.
1d. Members to declare any interest that may compromise KLAS.
1e. Nominees who are offered for committee status must have been a member of KLAS for a minimum of 1 (one) year.
1f. Committee to offer themselves for re-election every year at the AGM.
1g. The Society recognises complete equality in gender, religion, ethnicity, colour or creed, age or disability.
1h. KLAS aims to bring angling into the local community through its involvement within that community.
1i. To work with other clubs and organisations.
2. It will be at the discretion of the committee to consider any nomination of a member for Honorary Life Membership in recognition of exceptional service to the society past or present.
2a. Honorary Life Membership shall be free of subscription.
3. An auditor shall be appointed annually who will audit the society finances for acceptance at the AGM.
3a. The society’s balance sheets will be made available for the members at the AGM for scrutiny and acceptance as a true and accurate record.
3b. That the clubhouse be used solely for the purpose it was built for namely society office, Junior tutoring, official society meetings, and agreed canteen facilities.
4. There shall be no less than 2 (two) and no more than 4 (four) Trustees of KLAS.
4a. Shall be appointed by the Committee.
4b. Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or by a resolution of the committee.
4c. All documents such as deeds, leases shall be in the charge and control of the trustees who will ensure that they be lodged with KLAS solicitor/s or as committee directs.
4d. Trustees shall be indemnified out of society assets against any risk or expense incurred by them whilst in pursuance of their office. (Unless covered by Liability Insurance through Angling Trust and Fish Legal).
4e. KLAS will retain membership of Angling Trust and Fish Legal.
5. Elected officers of KLAS and members of committee shall not incur any personal liability for any duties carried out correctly in line with and as directed by committee.
5a. All actions and directives to be recorded in committee minutes.
Dissolution of the society
6. If at any time a resolution for the dissolution of KLAS is presented at a Special Meeting and is passed by a majority of 2/3rds or more of members present at such a meeting. The committee must proceed to realise the property of the society immediately or at such a date specified in the resolution.
6a. After the discharge of all society liabilities, such remaining property be equally divided to each registered member of the society, whereupon the society shall be deemed to be dissolved.
7. The Trustees, Officers and Committee have complete control of all society finances.
7a. Intended expenditure over £250 is to be authorised by the committee. (2015)
Meetings and communications
8. Annual General Meetings (AGM) will be held on a Friday in February of each year unless otherwise stated. A (EGM) may be called at any time under the same terms as the AGM with the exception that only 21days notice minimum shall be required and be representative of at least 10% of the membership at such a meeting.
8a. A Newsletter or entry on the society’s Noticeboards, Face Book and website will be posted as and when information needs to be passed to the membership.
8b. Committee meetings will be held on the first Thursday of every month unless specified otherwise by notification at least 14 days prior to the next meeting.
8c. Committee meetings will start promptly at 7.30 pm as will the AGM.
8d. Agendas for all meetings AGM or Committee shall be made available to all involved at least 2 (two) weeks 14 days prior to that meeting.
8e. No Smoking is allowed at any society meetings held in an enclosed environment.
8f. In order to attend the AGM or other meeting except committee meeting persons must be in possession of current membership. In the event of non production of current membership entry will be at the discretion of an officer.
8g. Members are always welcome to attend a committee meeting to express concerns, worries or points for clarification, providing they give detailed notification in writing 14 days prior to their intended date of attendance, where their issue will be dealt with as first on the agenda. Chairman's decision will be final.
8h. Notices of motion, propositions or nominations must be given in writing to the Hon. Secretary by the 31st of December at the latest, duly signed by both the Proposer and Seconder. (2015).
General Rules
1. Rules shall be binding and strictly observed at all times.
2. Should however a member choose to challenge a rule or interpretation of a rule that member may bring it to the attention of the committee and the chairman shall decide. A member, not being satisfied with the outcome, may give written notice to the Hon. Secretary and have his or her concerns expressed and discussed at a special meeting of the membership, to determine a final solution by a majority.
3. All members are bailiffs and water keepers and are expected to exercise their right to challenge anyone fishing or on society property.
4. Members must be in possession of their membership card whilst on society waters and present it if challenged by another member.
5. Members 12 years and over must hold a current Environment Agency Rod licence and present it when asked by an official agency bailiff. (On production of his or her warrant).
6. Any member who is obstructive, abusive or violent towards an official will be called before a disciplinary committee and may bring any witness he or she requires.
7. Keep all gates locked.
8. No Juniors are allowed on the Main Lake unless accompanied by a senior member or responsible parent or guardian.
9. The culvert is out of bounds to all except for passage. No fishing is allowed.
10. Membership is divided into sections. These being Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Lady, Disabled OAP’s and Veteran. Age range as follows Junior 10 -15 years, Intermediate16 -17 years, Senior 18 - 64 years, OAP’s 65 +. Disabled as defined and Veterans as defined. Veterans described as ex forces.
11. All keys are the property of KLAS and must be returned to the Treasurer or Membership Secretary on terminating membership for refund.
12. Membership fees must be paid in full before one commences to fish. Fees to be paid in full from the last working party Sunday in JUNE. Details of re-joining dates to be posted on the society notice boards, website or newsletter. Non-payment of subscription fees results in lapsed membership.
13. Changes of address, telephone numbers and emails should be passed onto the Hon. Secretary as soon as possible in order to maintain contact with society activities and to update society records.
14. Committee reserves the right to refuse membership if for good reason.
15. Senior Members may take direct family (example) Sons, Daughters, Grandsons or Granddaughters under the age of 16 as a guest free of charge and fish in an adjacent swim. Mothers and Fathers wishing to fish require to pay the guest ticket fee appropriate at the time.
16. Guest tickets are available from (See leader page for details) charged at the current rate and must be obtained prior to fishing.
16a. Juniors cannot purchase guest tickets and must not bring their friends onto the complex.
17. Guests to fish in an adjacent swim and under the charge of the member.
18. In the event of an offence being committed, such as poaching, the police should be informed by ringing 101 with full details and ask for the wild life officer. Also, notify the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60 once again with full details. (e.g; location of incident, number of persons sighted, nature of incident, Post code if known)
19. Guns are not permitted on the society property unless otherwise consented by committee. Area must be indicated by signs stating gun on site or such wording.
20. Radios and other players may not be brought onto the society waters unless they are used through ear phones. This is to include mobile phones and other recognised mobile devices.
21. Dogs are not allowed on any society fishery or surrounding land as it is a nature reserve.
22. Dead wood stands are not to be interfered with. This also applies to shrubs or trees (without consent from committee).
23. No unauthorised fires to be lit, BBQs only allowed as long as they are off of the ground.
24. KLAS operate a strict Bio Security policy. Only society owned nets and unhooking mats are allowed. On completion of fishing, members must *dip all nets and hang them in the assigned area to dry.
25. No fishing on Pass's Pond unless authorised by the committee and by arrangement prior.
26. The committee reserve the right to close any water for GOOD reason and at any time.
27. Barbed hooks are forbidden on all society waters.
28. Without risking life please do your best to retrieve lost terminal tackle and line.
29. It is bad angling practice to use a towel, wet or dry, when handling fish and is therefore banned.
30. Fishing only to take place from recognised fishing stations.
31. The use of peanuts, tiger nuts, black eye peas and beans, kidney beans, butter beans and blood worm are banned on all enclosed KLAS waters.
32. Fish must only be taken by rod and line or pole.
33. No fish to be transferred from one water to another without prior consent from the committee.
34. Only a single hook shall be on one line, with the exception of pike tackle or spinning.
35. Barbless treble hooks are permitted when fishing for pike.
36. Live bait is prohibited on all society enclosed waters
37. Bait boats are only permitted on the main lake.
Action will be taken against a member found to be in breach of society rules.
1. Any member who is adjudged to have brought the society into disrepute through inaccurate or inflammatory comments shall be subject to a disciplinary hearing, which may result in immediate expulsion. No fees paid will be refunded as they are considered to be non-refundable. Keys and membership cards will be surrendered within 14 days of termination.
2. A member so charged may bring any witnesses to the hearing that he or she feels may make a constructive statement in defence.
With the exception of match results and information put onto the societies official website or Facebook pages, publicity in other publications or media are only permitted when consented by committee/secretary. Photographs of children, other than family, require consent from a parent or guardian, otherwise it could be adjudged as an offence under Child Protection Act.
No liability can be accepted by the society for loss or damage to members or their property whilst on KLAS waters.
Equal Opportunities Statement.
Kings Langley Angling Society will make all opportunities and facilities available to all sections of the community.
Rules may be subject to change for good reason. Members will be notified of such a change through the society’s official website, Facebook, newsletter or notice board.
Acknowledgements to the Committee members and match organisers for their contribution to the revised version of club rules. KLAS 2017.
KLAS Bio- security policy protects our fish and your sport.
BY-LAW (Health & Safety).
Members may not fish or occupy bank space whilst official organised work parties are taking place.
Copyright © 2024 Kings Langley Angling Society - All Rights Reserved.